"20At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores."
- Luke 16:20-12
Found in : Luke 16:19-31
Job Description : Beggar who had sores licked by dogs
Significant events in worldly position : Endured lifelong sequences of events related to poverty and sickness
Aftermath : Carried by the angels to Abraham's Bosom (Salvation)
Is he one with desirable traits of a Christian?
In the Gospel of Luke 16:19-31, a parable is told about a wealthy man living in great comfort everyday and a beggar who was never offered anything by the wealthy man. After both individuals had died, Lazarus was able to have angels carry him to Abraham’s bosom. The wealthy man, was forsaken and was in torment within the flames of Hell. The wealthy man calls for Lazarus to offer some water for the tip of his finger, Abraham told the wealthy man that Lazarus cannot do that. Abraham states that he had enjoyed a life filled with wonderful things and Lazarus had to endure his difficulties in his life. The wealthy man would then beg for him to send Lazarus down in hopes that he would warn his five brothers to repent and save themselves. Abraham would deny that and tell him that if they don’t listen to the prophets, they won’t repent even if they are warned.
This parable contains a wide assortment of influential themes of how Christians should live. Lazarus is the featured "Servant of The Weak" because he suffered in his life time, accepted God's plan, and ultimately enjoyed the comfort of holy paradise.
Simply imagine yourself in the position that Lazarus was in. Exactly, you really can't, Lazarus was below the dumps. He was a beggar which meant that he was basically useless. "Suffer" probably isn't even the right word for what Lazarus was going through. This man had to undergo his life in absolute agony. I can't even imagine a minute being like Lazarus. This is what makes Lazarus one with ideal characteristics of a Christian. He decided to not live a life that was surrounded with fine linen and luxury. He chose to be a complete bum and live in horrendous conditions. He didn't complain or did anything that showed resentment toward his lifestyle. He accepted and embraced the road that God had made for him. This is what we as Christians need to think about when our lives just plainly suck. We have to realize that life isn't about how much linen and luxury we have. We have to realize that life isn't of our control and it is fully on God's judgement .
You have to ask yourself this question. Do I really want to live like Lazarus? The answer to that is Hell no. But than you have to ask yourself another question, Do I trust God? Too be honest with you, I do trust God but I definitely don't want to be living a life such as Lazarus. It's just tough to really swallow up what happens once you have reached that point in your life where you have discovered the truth.
I'm sure Lazarus was in extreme sorrow when he had finally grasped a hold of what God wanted of him in his worldly time on Earth. However, that's the key term to it all; "Worldly time". It might drive you in misery to excessive degrees but you have to just keep saying this to yourself "Worldly time".
What happened after death for Lazarus would make everything crystal clear. Lazarus was able to be guided by angels to the Promiseland. Despite residing in a house of utter torment as what could only be described as a loser, Lazarus was able to emerge out of life as a true winner.
So I'll simply leave you with this, next time in your daily routine life. When the direction of your plans don't travel along the route you want it to and you feel as if everything's against you. Don't despise it but rather EMBRACE IT.
Just like Lazarus, God has made a way for each and every individual and will see to it that everything is going to be alright.
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